Code and Craft workshop

Math x Coding

Discover mathematics through computation

Block 71


Every Friday

Sign up now!

"Discover the math hidden around us!"

Math is not just about memorizing formulas.

For example, look at the tree pattern below:
Why did it grow this way?
How else can it grow?
What other factors are acting upon it?

The beauty of mathematics is revealed by uncovering patterns and asking questions about the world around us!

"Discover Through Code & Play!"

The best way to learn math is by exploring and experimenting.

In our workshop, students will program computers to create their own patterns and communicate their discoveries with classmates.

As students teach the computer how to act, they begin to reflect on their own actions and thinking. They will formulate original hypotheses, model the world around them and test how math shapes the world – making learning fun, interactive, and meaningful!


Coding and laser engraving workshop with student care centers

I’ve not seen Adam sit down and work on something in class for so long before. I’m so happy to see him spending time and obsessing over building his own shapes. Good job to the instructors for achieving this!


My daughter was so excited to share with me how she made a heart shape on the computer. I was surprised to hear her telling me about how she played around with the angles to achieve that because she was struggling with angles in school!



Coding and laser engraving workshop with student care centers

Register Now!

Price $89 (U.P $125)
Time 6.30pm-8.30pm (2hours)
Location Block 71, Ayer Rajah Crescent, Level 4
Singapore 139951